Profile Details
New York, NY
Jason Sasportas at Stewart Talent
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AT4040 mic, Audition, CEntrance Mic Port 2, auray iso-armor-2
Naturally is an alto voice, deep, rich and crisp. It is versatile and clients say it is credible, authoritative, narrator, storyteller, personable, real, sarcastic, bubbly.
British RP, Cockney, Mid Atlantic, Southern, West African, South African, West Coast
phone patch
6+ years

NJ Agwuna is an inspired voice talent with over 20 years of experience in theatre and film. She has leveraged her acting skills, classical training, and directing talent to cultivate a career in voice overs. She intuitively understands the importance of conveying not just the words, but the emotion behind the words. Her voice has been featured on the History Channel, video games, podcasts, and audiobooks. Whether you’re looking for a youthful upbeat and chalk full of characters or smooth and peaceful sound, NJ delivers with the reassurance and playfully smart talent that listeners love.,
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