Profile Details
Washington, DC
Deep, Baritone, Bass
African-American, African Decent, American Decent, West Indian, Traditional
Character, Radio, Commercial, Editorial, Animation, Industrial, Retail, Professional
Radio, Television, Commercial, Museum Exhibit

Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Jossan Robinson has always performed or entertained in some capacity since childhood. In his youth he would travel with a group of "Storytellers" to Washington, D.C. area schools and recite stories. Later, while pursuing a degree in Mass Communications, he would pick up the art of acting and become a Theater Minor in college after being recommended to pursue acting, which led to castings in a duo of independent films in Baltimore, MD. Since that time he has gone on to become a film, television, commercial and voice actor, appearing in over a dozen independent films such as the upcoming film "Love Dot Com", Written & Directed by Charneice Fox and produced by B.K. Fulton & Monty Ross of 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks. He's also been featured recently on the likes of TVOne's "For My Man" & "Thou Shalt Not" and the ID Channel's "Dead of Night" & "Jane Doe Dairies." His most important credit to date is being cast in the Smithsonian's National Museum of African-American History & Culture in their interactive exhibit "The Green Book".
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