Profile Details
Manager: Todd Zeller - GS Entertainment (Los Angeles) Agent: Mystie Buice - Houghton Talent (Atlanta)
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Worldly, Versatile
Ghanaian, South African, British, French, West Indian, Standard American
Narrator, Character, Commercial
20+ years

With roots in South Africa, Lesotho, Ghana, and France, he is a multi-award winning actor, now based in the US - with a valid green card.

He has worked on projects for HBO, BET, BBC, Endemol and The Discovery Channel and was a regular on the 2007 Emmy-nominated Home Affairs.

He is an accomplished voice actor with numerous character, narration and commercial credits to his name.

Mpho stars in Netflix's live action series Resident Evil, Colors of Heaven (Amazon) and the forthcoming Outer Banks: Season 3 (Netflix).

Todd Zeller: 323-860-0270, ext. 19
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